1” FPT- Bracketed


These flow centers are used in applications that do not require insulation to prevent condensation.  Typically, these are cooling dominant, or cooling-only installations, or in locations that have temperature and humidity controls to prevent condensation from forming on the pump and valves.


  • Full-flow 1” brass valves
  • Fully assembled and leak tested
  • Compatible with all brands
  • Choose between (4) Grundfos circulators
  • Standard 1″ NPT connections
  • All components easily serviceable
  • Quiet and reliable operation
  • Compact attractive design
  • Installation hose kits available

** Submittals will open in a new tab

PNPumpsSpeedVoluteValveCabinet/Insulated# PumpsPhoto
UPS26-99ThreeCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No1 Pumps
UP26-116SingleCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No1 PumpsPump Module, UPS26-99 230v Grundfos, cast iron, On Bracket
UP26-116SFSingleStainless3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No1 Pumps
1004UPS26-99 115vThreeCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No1 Pumps
1001UPS26-99 (2)ThreeCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No2 Pumps
1050UP26-116 (2)SingleCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No2 Pumps
UP26-116SF (2)SingleStainless3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No2 Pumps
1005UPS26-99 115V (2)ThreeCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No2 Pumps
1023UPS26-99 (3)ThreeCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No3 Pumps
1025UPS26-99 115V (3)ThreeCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No3 Pumps
1053UP26-116 (3)SingleCast Iron3-Way Flush/ISO,BROn Bracket/ No3 Pumps